The start to this year has been so busy, I’ve missed a couple of months. Here’s what’s been going on in 2022.
My sci-fi serial, The Molecule Thief, is still consistently ranking in the Top 100 on Kindle Vella! Check it out here:

My podcast The Serial Fiction Show, co-hosted with JP Rindfleisch, made it onto Jane Friedman’s hot sheet as part of an interview about Kindle Vella. We were so excited to a part of this publishing industry news giant! I wish I could share it with you all, but it’s paywalled. Boo!
JP and I were also on Gage Greenwood’s YouTube channel, discussing Kindle Vella: Gage Greenwood YouTube
I was on the Creator Dad podcast, talking about Serials and Side Hustles: Creator Dad Podcast
I’m contributing to a weekly curated podcast list. If you’re interested in the writing life, you can check it out here: The Author Podcast Broadcast
I was on the Dialogue Doctor podcast again, this time talking with other editors about editing and characterizations: Dialogue Doctor Podcast
Phew. That’s my 2022 so far! Hope yours is off to a great start!
What I’m Reading
The Wilderwomen: Ruth Emmie Lang (St. Martin’s Press, November 2022). This is an advanced review copy releasing in the fall of this year. Two sisters, Zadie and Finn, go on a road trip to find their mother, and end up finding themselves. This novel — more magical realism than full fantasy — is strange and beautiful, including people with a variety of interesting abilities like hearing star song and talking to trees. Finn hears echos of other people’s memories. Zadie is a reluctant psychic, but that doesn’t stop the younger Finn from harassing Zadie into a game of psychic karaoke. Thematically, the armature often seems to involve trusting your gut or intuition. And when Zadie’s ex-boyfriend appears, it’s clear that romance won’t help Zadie find herself - no men needed, thank you very much. The book alternates between past and present from the perspectives of the two sisters and their lost mother, weaving together an unusual family drama along with unique world building.